Bemm Family

Bemm Family

Saturday, November 26, 2011


These past few weeks have been some of the toughest for us in a while.  We need to remember to constantly look to Jesus for our strength.  We need to remember that WE DO SERVE A GREAT GOD.
This healthy baby boy was put into a plastic bag and thrown into the pit latrine by his mother and father. We praise God that a good samaritan was suspicious of the mother's actions and knocked down the walls of the building (they were wooden), and dove into the latrine to save this precious baby.  We are grateful that the baby has no residual health issues from his sad beginning.  We are currently working with the local police and court system for the fate of the parents.  We know that Jesus is the ultimate protector and we praise HIM for this sweet boy.
Chaplin Helen sharing the love of Christ with  F 
This desperate mother (F) came to Tenwek Hospital wanting to sell her baby girl.  After much discussion with this weeping mother we found out that she was being abused by her father and brother, both alcoholics.  She needed money to find a safe home.
We also found from the mother that she believes she is cursed by her dead ancestors.  This is a very real problem in the Kipsigis culture.  We have known many people who have taken their own lives because they feel haunted by these spirits.  We would ask that you please pray for this young lady that she would know the love of Christ fully in her life.  She is currently being held at the local police station until her court date.  We plan to follow up with her at the hospital with counseling as soon as the court decides how to proceed.
The kids: L to R: Ellie, Lydia holding baby M, Esther, David holding Shadrach, Hannah, and Abby

Little M
Baby M, was born at Tenwek Hospital to a young mother.  The family had planned since the fifth month of pregnancy to give this baby up for adoption.  Baby M stayed with our family a little over a week and she was a joy to all our hearts.  Please pray that a wonderful family who loves the Lord will adopt her into their home.  She is now at a safe baby home where she is doing great.  

We are so grateful to all of you that are praying and supporting our family here in Kenya as we journey to be the Hands and Feet of Christ as HE asks us to be.